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Gun crime Attorney in Washington D.C.

A stun gun is a powerful self-defense device suitable for both men and women. Hire a Washington D.C. law firm. This stun weapon uses electric current that breaks the control of the muscles. With this weapon, you can easily shoot down an attacker. In fact, it is a powerful weapon, but at the same time it does not promote injury or permanent effects on the anesthetized person. At Lotze Mosley LLP a criminal law firm in Washington D.C.


However, using a stun gun is not legal in all parts of the world. There are countries and states that prohibit the use or possession of this personal defense weapon. There are 42 states in the United States that support the legality of this weapon, but in states such as New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Michigan, Wisconsin and Massachusetts, the electric weapon is illegal. Before buying this weapon, it is very important to study the laws of stun guns. This is to make sure that you have no problems. Here are answers to some common questions about this weapon to help you understand the precautions you should take when buying and holding a Stun Gun. You may be in need of a gun crime attorney Washington D.C.

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